Our shared living providers (SLP) are selected personally by all clients and guardians looking for SLP services. Individuals meet with and are encouraged to stay overnight with all SLP's before making a decision to ensure every home is the right fit for them.
Our shared living providers go through extensive background checks and are required to read profiles of an individual to ensure compatibility and to learn as much as possible about the person moving in to a shared living service.
Envisions provides all necessary and required training in CPR/First Aid, Medication Administration, Behavioral De-Escalation, as well as Financial and online documentation. This enables SLP's to offer the support an individual needs to enjoy their greatest independence in the community and in life.
These services give a great outlet to allow a branching out and a strive for independence, while still giving a structured and caring home to provide safety and security as well as healthy relationships. Ultimately leading to life achievements, self-actualization, and success!
To become a shared living provider you must go through an extensive background check. You will also be required to complete the required training and meet all of our requirements prior to becoming a shared living provider. If you are interested in applying, please click the link below and complete the application.